Valence 3D is a powerful & portable swiss-army knife for your 3D design projects.
Powerful polygon modeling tools & operations

Numerous mesh operations & tools for extruding, insetting, beveling, cutting, creasing, bridging, & more
Create without getting overwhelmed by options.

Valence simplifies the 3D design process by only showing commands & tools that are contextually relevant
Get a smooth preview instantly with the subdivision modifier

Apply a subdivision surface modifier to smooth out your shapes. Then crease and tweak till perfect.
Save time by using modifiers to hyper accelerate your creativity

The mirror modifier is your best friend when symmetry is needed! Save time & be more precise models
15 fully procedural shape primitives to start from

15 completely procedural geometries are built in and ready to help you block out your ideas.
Change your perspective and go into various orthographic views

Quickly see your design from common orthographic views (top, bottom, right, left, front and back).
Duplicate your model with instancing enabled to save time

Duplicated meshes (with instancing on) keep their geometries linked & synced.
Precisely adjust model properties with the Inspector

Finetune in your model's transform, materials, modifiers and other properties with the inspector panel.
Drag & drop nodes in the Outliner to group them with other elements

Get an overview of your scene's nodes with the outliner. Long press a node to see its contextual options
Import existing 3D models and compose scenes

Bring your existing 3D assets together and compose scenes. 3D Models Credit:
Physically based materials make your models shine

Dial in your material parameters in the inspector and see your models change in real-time.
Preview your models with HDR Image Based Lighting

The scene inspector allows you to tweak your scene's camera, background, and rendering.
Preview path traced rendering in pseudo real-time (experimental)

We are excited to share our humble beginnings on a new path tracer to make your models shine.
Capture your rooms and quickly add dimensions

Redesign your space in minutes or create some dimensions and keep them saved for when you need them.
For devices with lidar sensors, start a lidar scan in two taps

Design in context by capturing the space around you. Generating a lidar scan has never been easier.
Preview your designs in your space with two taps

Export models with confidence that they will look magical on all Apple platforms by using AR Quicklook.
Export your models to various 3D file formats

Powerful exporting tools give you the right options so Valence can help add to your current workflow.
Share super high resolution renders in any aspect ratio

Save renders directly to your camera roll or share them via Apple’s Share Sheet.
Instantly get your model's measurements with one tap

By tapping the ruler button, you can easily see (and copy) your model's local & world dimensions.
Models are kept private and organized by date

Never lose track of a 3D model. Quickly create, share, duplicate, delete & rename your models!